Synthesis and Characterization of Bacterial Cellulose - Garcinia mangostana Extract as Anti Breast Cancer Biofilm Candidate

Agrippina Waya Rahmaning Gusti and Prihartini Widiyanti and Helmy Yusuf (2017) Synthesis and Characterization of Bacterial Cellulose - Garcinia mangostana Extract as Anti Breast Cancer Biofilm Candidate. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, 30. pp. 76-85. ISSN 2296-9845

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In Indonesia, breast cancer is noted as the most common cancer in women. Accordingly, this research was conducted to synthesize biofilm from bacterial cellulose by adding ethanol extract of mangosteen peel. The pellicle of bacterial cellulose was soaked in a 100 mL ethanol solution of mangosteen peel extract varied by 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% v/v. The samples were characterized using the SEM, FTIR, and MTT Assay using the T47D breast cancer cells. The results using the SEM showed the thickness of the bacterial cellulose biofilm samples was 5.63 µm, while the 2% v/v thickness of the bacterial cellulose of the extract of mangosteen peel biofilm samples was 12.2 µm. The FTIR results showed a weak interaction between the O-H groups of the microbial cellulose and the C=C functional group in the phenolic compounds of the mangosteen peel extract. Based on the MTT Assay test results using the T47D breast cancer cells, the highest percentage of cell death result was 25.47% on the 2% v/v bacterial cellulose of the mangosteen peel extract samples. The Garcinia mangostana extracts added in the bacterial cellulose biofilms still required optimal concentrations in order to become potential killing mechanism for the T47D breast cancer cells.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: biofilm, bacterial cellulose, mangosteen peel extract, breast cancer
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics > QC1-999 Physics
Divisions: 08. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Tekno Biomedik
Agrippina Waya Rahmaning GustiNIM081211732003
Prihartini WidiyantiNIDN0022027505
Helmy YusufNIDN0015077901
Depositing User: Mr Akhmad Nurfizal Reza
Date Deposited: 26 Feb 2021 14:12
Last Modified: 26 Feb 2021 14:12
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