HUBUNGAN NU DAN NEGARA: Kontra-Wacana Faksi Kritis Nandlatul Ulama (NU) Terhadap Wacana Hegemonik Negara Orde Baru (Tahun 1988 -1997)

ARIF ROHMAN, 099712753M (2001) HUBUNGAN NU DAN NEGARA: Kontra-Wacana Faksi Kritis Nandlatul Ulama (NU) Terhadap Wacana Hegemonik Negara Orde Baru (Tahun 1988 -1997). Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.


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ABSTRACT The thesis research possesses two main objectives: First, it want to describe correlation strip happening between the Nandlatul Ulama (NU) critical faction and New Order nation. Secondly, it want to describe the process of NU ciritcal faction resistance against hegemony by New Order nation through political discourse. All of these can bee seen from the time domain since 1988 to 1997. Methodologically, this research believe in the structuralism approach be seeing the process and correlation strip of structural resistance between the NU ciritical faction against New Order nation beginning from 1988 to 1997. So, some existing data either verbal or document data can be collected through in-depth interview and through document study. The interview was done toward five people elite for NU, while the document study originated from the clipping from Jawa Pos scripts, and three NU magazines, that is: Aula, Pesantren, and Bangkit. Whereas the test towards the data acceptability and credibility are held with triangulation using the method variation and data resources, expert discussion, and rival explanation. Eventually, all data having been selected, especially based on the further interview result is processed by qualitative analysis. The final inference obtained is, that during the period of one decade before upcoming president Soeharto falling with his New Order regime (in 1988 to 1997), have become the conflict relation between NU crisis faction on the one hand against New Order nation in the other, through the political discourse. So, the correlation between both is in more antagonistic strip. The portrait of political conflict in the antagonistic striped, among other things assigned by the appearance of NU critical faction against New Order nation. That is that the resistance of political discourse directing of the from of 'counter-hegemony' from on part against 'hegemony' from the others. The clasification result from the political discourse resistance include 10 discourses topic, that is: (1) the general election upholding, (2) politicians and political parties, (3) legislative body, (4) presidential election and vice president, (5) press freedom, (6) law supreme enactment, (7) advocacy toward human right, minority groups, and pluralism, (8) bureaucrat behaviour, (9) to keep nation integrity, and (10) religion and cultural position in the democratic nation. Towards the counter-discourse movement from the NU ciritical faction eventually can support the weakness of New Order power legitimation.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Additional Information: TS 16/03 Roh h
Uncontrolled Keywords: HUBUNGAN NU DAN NEGARA: Kontra-Wacana Faksi Kritis Nandlatul Ulama (NU) Terhadap Wacana Hegemonik Negara Orde Baru (Tahun 1988 -1997)
Subjects: J Political Science > JC Political theory > JC571-605 Purpose, functions, and relations of the state
Divisions: 09. Sekolah Pasca Sarjana
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
Thesis advisorA. Ramlan SurbaktiUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Nn Shela Erlangga Putri
Date Deposited: 2016
Last Modified: 02 Jul 2017 18:31
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