Safe concentration of benzene exposure as reference for determining threshold limited value in enviromental working

Abdul Rohim Tualeka and Ahsan and Wibrata, A.D. and Pudji Rahmawati (2019) Safe concentration of benzene exposure as reference for determining threshold limited value in enviromental working. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 13 (4). pp. 429-438.

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Background: The aim was to measure the limits of the safe concentration of benzene in the shoe home industry in Romokalisari Surabaya. Method: The study was pre-experimental study with single group design. Samples taken were 25 workers at shoe home industry in Romokalisari, Surabaya. To determine the safe concentration of benzene for workers obtained data on weight of experimental animal (W animal), body surface of experimental animals (BSA animal), weight of workers (W), height of workers (h), body surface area of workers (BSA), breathing rate of workers (BR), working time (t), concentration benzene, Animal Km, Human Km, NOAEL, and safe human dose (SHD). Results: The average measurement of benzene concentration was 1.98 ppm (6.34 mg/m3), which means it was above the threshold value (TLV) at Indonesia. The safe limit value of benzene concentration of 0.0275 ppm also exceeds the stipulated level of 0.009 ppm daily for acute effects and 0.003 ppm daily for chronic effects. Conclusion: Control efforts are needed so that workers are protected so they are not adversely affected by benzene exposure. The recommendation such as use appropriate personal protective equipment and plant a number of ornamental plants that can absorb and reduce the concentration of benzene. © 2019, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. All rights reserved.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 0
Uncontrolled Keywords: benzene, Article; body height; body surface; body weight; breathing rate; environmental exposure; female; gas chromatography; human; industrial worker; long term exposure; male; mouse; nonhuman; risk assessment; shoe industry; threshold limit value; working time
Divisions: Artikel Ilmiah > SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL
Abdul Rohim TualekaUNSPECIFIED
Pudji RahmawatiUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Ika Rudianto
Last Modified: 03 Feb 2021 05:35
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