Determination of mercury (Hg) risk level (rq) with exposure through fish and drinking water consumption in Bulawa sub-district, Bone bolango district, Gorontalo province, Indonesia

Rahmadhani, T.N. and Abdul Rohim Tualeka and Rahmawat, P. and Russen, S.S. and Wahy, A. and Ahsa and Singga, S. (2019) Determination of mercury (Hg) risk level (rq) with exposure through fish and drinking water consumption in Bulawa sub-district, Bone bolango district, Gorontalo province, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 10 (10). pp. 2030-2035.

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Mercury (Hg) is a liquid metal element, silver at room temperature (250C and has a melting and boiling points at of-38.870and 35.00C, respectively. In traditional gold mining activities, Mercury (Hg) is used for gold purification (amalgamation). This study aims to determine the level of risk (RQ) in the community of Bulawa District who consume fish and drinking water sourced from the waters around traditional mining activities. This type of research is observational with an environmental health risk analysis design. Sampling was calculated using purposive sampling with the inclusion criteria by the researchers and resulted in 100 citizens. The results of the calculation of the level of Risk (RQ) of Mercury (Hg) consumption of fish and drinking water in the community of Bulawa District was 0.08 and 0.003, respectively, thus, RQ <1, meaning that it does not have an effect on health. However, this value can be used as a reference level of risk level (RQ) of Mercury (Hg) in people who consume fish and drinking water from the waters of traditional mining areas in Indonesia. Control measures can be taken to maintain the level of Risk (RQ) of Mercury (Hg) <1 through limiting the frequency of consumption and the rate of intake of fish and drinking water from surrounding waters. Warning signs of mercury contamination around mining waters can be also provided. © 2019, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. All rights reserved.

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Depositing User: Ika Rudianto
Last Modified: 03 Feb 2021 05:35
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