Detoxification of benzoic acid in workers exposed to toluene using food rich in glycine

Abdul Rohim Tualeka and Irianto, M.A. and Prasetyo, A. and Rachmawati, I.A. and Nawawinetu, E.D. (2018) Detoxification of benzoic acid in workers exposed to toluene using food rich in glycine. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (1). pp. 64-69.

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One of the toxins found in shoe industry affecting the health of the workers is toluene. Toluene contains safat, a high toxicity with liver and kidneys as the main targets. This research aims to determine the effects of consuming food rich in glycine on hippuric acid levels in the urine of shoe industry workers exposed to high levels of toluene. This research is an experimental study using certain treatments for the research subjects consisting of workers exposed to toluene at some shoe home-industries. Before working, the workers were examined for hippuric acid level in their urine. The workers were then given food rich in glycine to eat. After three days of consuming food containing glycine, the workers were examined again for hippuric acid level in their urine. The findings of the study showed that the level of toluene in the shoe home-industry A was 511.8 mg/m3 which was three times greater than the standard reference of the normal toluene level recommended by Permenakertrans No.13 of 2011 (168 mg/m3). The results also showed that the mean concentration of hippuric acid in their urine before consuming food rich in glycine was 0.4855 g/L while the mean concentration of hippuric acid in their urine after the intake of food containing glycine was 0.649 g/L. It means that there was an increase of 33.8 in hippuric acid levels secreted in their urine. In conclusion, glycine is effective to detoxify benzoic acid from the body of workers exposed to toluene. © 2018, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. All rights reserved.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 3
Uncontrolled Keywords: benzoic acid; glycine; hippuric acid; toluene, Article; chemical analysis; controlled study; detoxification; experimental study; food composition; food intake; human; industrial worker; normal value; occupational exposure; occupational hazard; reference value; shoe industry; urine level
Divisions: Artikel Ilmiah > SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL
Abdul Rohim TualekaUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Ika Rudianto
Last Modified: 03 Feb 2021 05:35
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