Expectant management of severe preeclampsia in a developing country: Maternal outcomes and perinatal survival

Ernawati and Erliana and Agus Sulistyono and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar and Budi Wicaksono and Khanisyah Erza Gumilar and Manggala Pasca Wardhana and Nareswari Cininta and Rozi Aditya Aryananda and Risa Etika and Windu Purnomo and Nadhir Abdullah and Erry Gumilar Dachlan and Gustaaf Dekker and Aditiawarman (2018) Expectant management of severe preeclampsia in a developing country: Maternal outcomes and perinatal survival. ScenceDirect.

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Background Management of severe preeclampsia which develops prior to 34 still debatable. Immediate delivery leads to high neonatal mortality and morbidity due to prematurity, conversely expectant management may potentially increase maternal morbidity and mortality. Objective of this study was to determine maternal outcomes and perinatal survival achieved with expectant management in patients presenting with preeclampsia <34 weeks. Study Design A retrospective cohort analysis of outcome in patients with severe preeclampsia in a tertiary hospital in Indonesia during 3 years: 165 patients (178 fetuses) managed expectantly were studied. Neonatal outcomes (birth weight, APGAR score, fetal growth restriction (FGR), intrauterine fetal death (IUFD), early neonatal death, and maternal complications (HELLP syndrome, pulmonary edema, eclampsia, renal insufficiency, and placental abruption) were registered. Results 25 patients had a preeclampsia disease onset <28 weeks, 72 patients onset 28 0/7–30 6/7 weeks and 68 patients onset 31 0/7 −33 6/7 weeks; 13 patients had twins. Mean days of prolongation was 9.3 days (range 2–64). Overall neonatal survival was 64,6%. Mean birth weight was 1323.08 ± 383.55 gram, 23,59% of the neonates had a birth weight <10th centile. IUFD ocured in 7.9% of pregnancies, and 25.3% of the remaining babies died during early neonatal period. There were no neonatal survivors in those with a GA <26 weeks. At 26 to 27 6/7 weeks GA, 38.5% offspring survived. Regarding maternal outcome, 7.3% of the patients developed pulmonary edema, 5.5% HELLP syndrome, 0.6% renal insufficiency and 0.6% placental abruption. In this patient cohort, none of the patients developed eclampsia, whereas one patient died post-partum due to stroke emboli. Conclusion Neonatal outcome in preterm severe preeclampsia depends mainly on GA at onset of preeclampsia and GA at delivery. Expectant management of preeclampsia presenting at less <28 weeks is not recommended in a developing country with limited neonatal resources.

Item Type: Other
Uncontrolled Keywords: preeclampsia, perinatal
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
R Medicine > RG Gynecology and obstetrics
Divisions: 01. Fakultas Kedokteran > Ilmu Kebidanan dan Kandungan
Agus SulistyonoNIDN8810800016
Hermanto Tri JoewonoNIDN8817900016
Muhammad Ilham Aldika AkbarNIDN0018018203
Khanisyah Erza GumilarNIDN0005088405
Manggala Pasca WardhanaNIDN0020118404
Nareswari CinintaUNSPECIFIED
Rozi Aditya AryanandaUNSPECIFIED
Risa EtikaNIDN8817800016
Nadhir AbdullahUNSPECIFIED
Erry Gumilar DachlanUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: arys fk
Date Deposited: 21 Apr 2021 07:18
Last Modified: 21 Apr 2021 07:40
URI: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/105913
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