Gambaran radiografik kanalis nutrisi pada penderita diabetes mellitus

Fabia Yustiaputri and Eha Renwi Astuti and Bambang Noerjanto (2012) Gambaran radiografik kanalis nutrisi pada penderita diabetes mellitus. Dentomaxxilofacial Radiology Dental Journal, 3 (1). pp. 8-13. ISSN 2087-1864

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Background. Radiographic examination is one of the most important examination to help determine diagnosis of some cases. Based on the previous study, radiographic appearance shows the increase incidence of nutrient canal in anterior mandibular region. Nutrient canals reffered to in the current study are those that contain blood vessels and nerves that supply the teeth, interdental spaces and gingivae. Purpose. This study was to study the increase in the incidence of the appearance of the nutrient canals in the mandibular anterior region of periapical radiographs of patients with diabetes mellitus. Method. This is an observasional analytic research. Each sample get exposure in the anterior mandibular from the left caninus to the rigth caninus. Result. There is an increase in the incidence of the appearance of nutrient canals of diabetic patient. Conclusion. Based on the research that has been done the incidence of the appearance of the nutrient canals is much greater in the patients with diabetes mellitus than in the patients were used as control.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine
R Medicine > RK Dentistry
Divisions: 02. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi
Fabia Yustiaputri-
Eha Renwi AstutiNIDN0013056102
Bambang Noerjanto-
Depositing User: Rudy Febiyanto
Date Deposited: 26 Jun 2021 12:53
Last Modified: 26 Jun 2021 12:53
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