Effectiveness Education Based on SelfEfficacy for Strengthening Behavior of Foot Care in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Indonesia

Nuh Huda, - and Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Qori Ila Saidah, - and Dwi Priyantini, - (2021) Effectiveness Education Based on SelfEfficacy for Strengthening Behavior of Foot Care in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Indonesia. RIGEO Review of International Geographical Education, 11 (5). pp. 273-279. ISSN 2146-0353

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A hlgh incidence of foot injuries due to diab€tes mellitus (DH) has been widely reported. This condition has several causes, induding OM sufferers' tendency to c'verlook foot care management, despite knowing ts impads. Ignorance by individual5 E a critkal factor attributed to thE conditjon. Iherefore, therc is a nced for self-efflcacy (SE) to increase and strengthen behavior. The aim ofthe study is to analyze the significance of education based on s€lf-€fficacy in strengthening foot care behavior among DM patients. The study used a one gmup pre-post test design, numb€r population is 112 respondents. A sample size of 51 respondents v{as s€lected using purposive sampling. The instrument used was Notthingham Assessmeat of Functional Footcare (NAFF). The research uses self-emcacy and foot care behavior as independent ard dependent variables, respectively. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed test ( = 0.05), The results of $is $udy berore education based on self-efficacy, respondents were categorized as follows, good behavior 6 (f1.79o), moderate behavior 38 (74.5%), and bad behavior 6 (11.8qo). After a 2-r,'reek education based on self-efficacy, 4? (92cto),3 (6%) and t (2%) respordent had good, moderate and bad behavior, respectively. According to Wilcoxon test results, giving self-efficacy to DM sufferers improveE foot care behavior, with p = g,gg1 (1.98 2,98, 5D = .509-.390, positive rank = 43, mean rank = 22, ties = 8). Conclusion $e study is an education based on self-efficacy forms build a strong and good perceptive to support and strengthen the DM sufferers' behavior and prevent diabetic foot injuries.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Behavior, Diabetes Mellitut EducaEon, Foot C.re, Self-Eficacy
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing > RT1-120 Nursing
Divisions: 13. Fakultas Keperawatan > Departemen Keperawatan Dasar, Kritis dan Medikal Bedah > Keperawatan Medikal Bedah (Spesialis)
Nuh Huda, --
Nursalam, -NIDN0025126601
Tintin Sukartini, -NIDN0017127202
Qori Ila Saidah, --
Dwi Priyantini, --
Depositing User: Eko Kuswanto
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2022 12:56
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2022 12:56
URI: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/119124
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