Teknik Spiking Sebagai Upaya Identifikasi Kromatogram Dimihazen Aseturat Dalam Plasma Pada Pengerjaan Kromatografi Cair Klnerja Tinggi

Moh Teguh Wahyudi, - and Nuraini Faricia, - and Moch. Lazuard, - (2005) Teknik Spiking Sebagai Upaya Identifikasi Kromatogram Dimihazen Aseturat Dalam Plasma Pada Pengerjaan Kromatografi Cair Klnerja Tinggi. Laporan Penelitian. UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, Surabaya. (Unpublished)

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ABSTRAK A specific method of spiking has been developed for determining diminazene aceturate levels in goat plasma. Plasma samples were extracted by solid phase exctraction reversed-phase Sorbent (C-18) with 3 ml of 90/10 acetonitril consist of 0,025 M of ion pairing (1-octano sulphonic acid sod. salt) with 2 % glacial acetic acid in water. The extract were injected directly into a tevesSed-phase sorbent ion pairing HPLC system. Chromatography was carried out on 5 pm -stainless steel Zorbax ODS C-18 (4,6 mm x 250 mm) column using an acetonitril: water (30: 70 v/v) mobile phase in 0.005 M octano sulphonlc acid sod. salt containing 0.15 % triethylamine and was set to a pH of 5.5 by glacial acetic acid with detection by UV absorption at 370 nm. By spiking method of the peak area of diminazene aceturate in plasma samples was absolutly obtained in about 10-13 minutes. The result of this research showed that spiking method can be used identification of analyte peak from impurities peak (p<O.05).

Item Type: Monograph (Laporan Penelitian)
Additional Information: KK LP 143/10 Wah t
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kromatogram Dimihazen Aseturat; Kromatografi Cair
Subjects: R Medicine > RS Pharmacy and materia medica > RS1-441 Pharmacy and materia medica
Divisions: 01. Fakultas Kedokteran > Ilmu Farmasi
Moh Teguh Wahyudi, --
Nuraini Faricia, --
Moch. Lazuard, --
Depositing User: Ani Sistarina
Date Deposited: 20 Jan 2023 05:21
Last Modified: 20 Jan 2023 05:21
URI: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/119625
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