The Longevity of Aedes aegypti Larvae in Several Water Sources in Surabaya

Antonio Ayrton Widiastara, - and Gabriel Pedro Mudjianto, - and Etik Ainun Rohmah, - and Hengki Anggara Putra, - and Martha Indah Widia Ningtyas, - and Sri Wijayanti Sulistyawati, - and Suhintam Pusarawati, - and Fitriah, - and Kasiyama Desi Indriyani, - and Alpha Fardah Athiyyah, - and Sukmawati Basuki, - (2022) The Longevity of Aedes aegypti Larvae in Several Water Sources in Surabaya. Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, 10 (1). pp. 18-26. ISSN 2356-0991

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Aedes aegypti transmits the dengue virus that causes Dengue Viring the high number of DVI cases is the existing breeding places of Ae. aegypti. The water sources used by the community and the surrounding environment are essential media for living Ae. aegypti larvae. This recent study aimed to detect the longevity of Ae. aegypti larvae in diff erent water sources in Surabaya and the killing effect of temephos. An analytical observational and experimental study was conducted in August-September 2021. Twenty-instar III Ae. aegypti larvae were put in each 100 ml beaker glass containing diff erent water sources, such as rain, well, mineral, new and used bath water, and antiseptic soapy water. Fungi in water sources were examined. Two groups were set with and without temephos, the final temephos concentration was of 0.00001 ppm. Live Ae. aegypti larvae, pupae, mosquitoes were observed every 24 hours for seven days without feeding. Living larvae were still found on Day 7 in all water sources with and without temephos. There were more larvae live in soapy water without temephos, particularly on Day 2 to Day 6, compared to other water sources either without or with temephos. In contrast, many larvae died in mineral water with temephos. Some larvae turned into pupae, started on Day 1. Pupae and mosquitoes were mostly found in rain water with temephos. Ae. aegypti larvae survived better in soapy water either with or without temephos. Temephos seemed to be effective to kill Ae. aegypti larvae in mineral water, and might induce larvae in turning to pupae and mosquitoes quickly at low concentration.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ae. Aegypti, Larvae, Water Sources, Surabaya
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
R Medicine > RJ Pediatrics
Divisions: 01. Fakultas Kedokteran > Ilmu Kesehatan Anak (Sub Spesialis)
Antonio Ayrton Widiastara, -UNSPECIFIED
Gabriel Pedro Mudjianto, -UNSPECIFIED
Etik Ainun Rohmah, -UNSPECIFIED
Hengki Anggara Putra, -UNSPECIFIED
Martha Indah Widia Ningtyas, -UNSPECIFIED
Sri Wijayanti Sulistyawati, -UNSPECIFIED
Suhintam Pusarawati, -NIDN0015045906
Kasiyama Desi Indriyani, -UNSPECIFIED
Alpha Fardah Athiyyah, -UNSPECIFIED
Sukmawati Basuki, -NIDN0005026503
Depositing User: arys fk
Date Deposited: 23 Jan 2023 15:50
Last Modified: 23 Jan 2023 15:50
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