Post-Serial Earthquakes Health Problems in Lombok, Indonesia: Experience of 'Ksatria Airlangga' Floating Hospital [Profil Masalah Kesehatan Pasca Gempa Serial di Lombok, Indonesia: Pengalaman Rumah Sakit Terapung Ksatria Airlangga]

Prananda Surya Airlangga, - and Christrijogo Sumartono Waloejo, - and Soni Sunarso Sulistiawan, - and Arie Utariani, - and Hamzah, - and Bambang Pujo Semedi, - and Lucky Andriyanto, - and Pesta Marulian Manurung, - and Lila Tri Harjana, - and Herdiani Sulistyo Putri, - and Teuku Aswin Husain, - and Fajar Perdhana, - and Eddy Rahardjo, - (2018) Post-Serial Earthquakes Health Problems in Lombok, Indonesia: Experience of 'Ksatria Airlangga' Floating Hospital [Profil Masalah Kesehatan Pasca Gempa Serial di Lombok, Indonesia: Pengalaman Rumah Sakit Terapung Ksatria Airlangga]. Proceeding of Community Development, 2. pp. 368-378. ISSN 2615-2924

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Predictions regarding damaged land access by a serial earthquake in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara in 2018, was the background of the Rumah Sakit Terapung Ksatria Airlangga (RSTKA), being sent. RSTKA is phinisi ship with an operating theatre and other healthcare facilities. The earthquake was not accompanied by a tsunami, so the dock was suitable to be used for leaning. The study analyzes patient data in RSTKA, and as an evaluation of field hospitals. This study used observational descriptive design. Obtained 1601 patients with disease distribution classified as trauma and non-trauma. A number of patients who came to RSTKA were volatile. The number of cases recorded was more than the number of patients because some patients had more than one health problem. Trauma cases recorded 121 cases (6.7%) while non-trauma 1679 cases (93.3%). Non-trauma cases have increased rapidly since the fourth day. The trauma case was dominated by soft tissue injury 57.02%. Non-trauma cases were dominated by non-infectious diseases with 919 cases (54.8%) and 760 cases of infection (45.2%). Infectious diseases were dominated by respiratory infections (437 cases) followed by gastrointestinal infections (239 cases). Humanity mission of RSTKA has succeeded in making meaningful contributions to disaster-affected communities in Lombok, especially in North Lombok District.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: disasters, disease. earthquakes, hospital ship, Lombok
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
R Medicine > RC Internal medicine
Divisions: 01. Fakultas Kedokteran > Anestesiologi dan Reanimasi
Prananda Surya Airlangga, -NIDN0023047608
Christrijogo Sumartono Waloejo, -NIDN8867800016
Soni Sunarso Sulistiawan, -UNSPECIFIED
Arie Utariani, -NIDN8808130017
Hamzah, -NIDN9900980405
Bambang Pujo Semedi, -NIDN0008027306
Lucky Andriyanto, -NIDN0001027907
Pesta Marulian Manurung, -UNSPECIFIED
Lila Tri Harjana, -UNSPECIFIED
Herdiani Sulistyo Putri, -NIDN0014028301
Teuku Aswin Husain, -UNSPECIFIED
Fajar Perdhana, -UNSPECIFIED
Eddy Rahardjo, -UNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: arys fk
Date Deposited: 18 Feb 2023 01:59
Last Modified: 18 Feb 2023 01:59
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