Understanding Patients with COVID in the Isolation Rooms from the Perspective of Care: A Qualitative Study

Makhfudli, Makhfudli and Abdulloh, Machin, and Abd., Nasir, and Andri Setiya, Wahyudi, and Susilo, Harianto, and Rindayati, Rindayati and Hafna Ilmy, Muhalla, and Emuliana, Sulpat, and Fanni, Okviasanti, and Joko, Susanto, and Ilkafah,, Ilkafah, and Yanis, Kartini Understanding Patients with COVID in the Isolation Rooms from the Perspective of Care: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. ISSN 1178 2390

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Official URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.2147/JMDH....


Introduction: Being treated in isolation rooms for people infected with COVID-19, creates various perceptions of uncertainty, especially when strict “health protocols” are applied. This study aims to determine the understanding patients with COVID in the intensive care unit from the perspective of care. Materials and Methods: The research design used phenomenological qualitative with in-depth interviews. Purposive sampling was used with interpretive phenomenological analysis. Participants were 25 patients who had been exposed to COVID-19, consisting of 10 men and 15 women. Results: This study resulted in the theme of the perception of COVID-19 sufferers while undergoing treatment in isolation rooms, with four themes, namely, 1) mental attacks, 2) feel like fghting alone, 3) expecting Concern, 4) positive attitude. Conclusion: This analysis shows that various perceptions of uncertainty that are felt while being treated in the isolation room due to suffering from COVID-19 disease can be anticipated by increasing the awareness of nurses to be closer to patients through caringbased nursing practices by emphasizing meaningful interpersonal relationships.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: 15. Fakultas Vokasi > Departemen Kesehatan > D3 Keperawatan
Makhfudli, MakhfudliUNSPECIFIED
Abdulloh, Machin,UNSPECIFIED
Andri Setiya, Wahyudi,UNSPECIFIED
Susilo, Harianto,UNSPECIFIED
Rindayati, RindayatiUNSPECIFIED
Hafna Ilmy, Muhalla,UNSPECIFIED
Emuliana, Sulpat,UNSPECIFIED
Fanni, Okviasanti,UNSPECIFIED
Ilkafah,, Ilkafah,UNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Tn Khamim Sahid
Date Deposited: 26 Apr 2023 04:37
Last Modified: 26 Apr 2023 04:37
URI: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/120239
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