Teuku Mamfaluti, -
Pengaruh Pkmberian Ekstrak Daun Johar( Cassia siamea Lamk) Terhadap Kadar SGOT,SGPT Dan Gambaran Histopatologis Hepar Mencit Yang Diinduksi Dengan Parasetamol Dosis Toksik: Penelitian Eksperimental Laboratorik.
Fifty male white mice ( 2-3 monts old ) were used in the experiment to study the effects of Cassea seamea extract on the level of SGOT, SGPT and the percentage of cell injury. The mice were divided into five groups and each group consist of ten mice, and were treated as follows : 1. Group Pol as negatif control were given aquades for 8 days and CMC 0,5% at the 8th day. 2. Group Po2 as positif control were given Acetaminophen 0,4 g! kg BW/ day at the 8th day. 3. Group Pl were given Cassea seamea extract at the concentration of0,20 g/ml for 8 days and Acetaminophen 0 ,4 g! BWI day at the 8th day. 4. Group P2 were given Cassea seamea extract at the concentration of0,40 g/ml for 8 days and Acetaminophen 0,4 gl BWI day at the 8th day. 5. Group P3 were given Cassea seamea extract at the concentration of0,80 g/ml for 8 days and Acetaminophen 0,4 g! BWI day at the 8th day. The mice were killed after ten days, the plasma were processed to measure the level of SGOT, SGPT and the liver was cut and processed histologically to measure the injured cell. The result showed that the Cassea seamea extract 1. Lnhibit increase ( P< 0,05 ) the level of GOT at concentration of extract 0,20 g/ml, 0,40 g/ml and 0,80 g/ml respectively. 2. Inhibit increase ( P< 0,05 ) the level of SGPT at concentration of extract 0,20 g/ml, 0,40 g/ml and 0,80 g/ml respectively. 3. Inhibit increase ( P< 0,05 ) the percentage of cell injury at concentration of extract 0,20 g/ml, 0,40 g/ml and 0,80 g/ml respectively.
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