Premilda Ardianisa Sani, -
Pengaruh Kumur Dengan Larutan Baking Soda Terhadap Keluhan Xerostomia, Kenyamanan Dan Interdtalitic Weight Gain Pada Pasien Chronic Kidney Desease (CKD) On Hemodialysis (HD) Dengan Xerostomia.
Skripsi thesis, Universitas Airlangga.
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Premilda Ardianisa Sani 010810149 B20230303_17574006.pdf
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Xerostomia is a symptom of dry mouth that often appears in CKD patients with hemodialysis. There are various therapies applied to treat xerostomia symptoms, one of them is by using solvent of baking soda that can increase saliva production and maintain the stability of pH in the mouth. The purpose of these study was analyzed the efect of the use solvent of baking soda on xerostomia complain, comfort and interdyalitic weight gain in patient CKD on HD with xerostomia. These study was used a quasy experimental design. Twenty sample were taken by purposive sampling who met to the inclusion criteria, with consist 10 responden for treatment group and 10 responden for control group. The independent variable in these study was gargling with solvent of baking soda while the dependent variable was xerostomia complaint, comfortable and interdyalitic weight gain. The result of study was analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with p=0.05, Mann Whitney U Test with p=0.05, Paired T Test, and Independent T Test with p=0.05 The result which showed that there was a decrease in xerostomia complaints 90% (p=0.009), increase of comfortable 100% (p=0.005), and decrease of interdyalitic weight gain to normal 30% (p=O.l58) after used solvent of baking soda. The Result which analyzed by using Mann Whitney U Test showed that there was an effect of the use solvent of baking soda on decrease xerostomia complaints (p=0.012), increase of comfort (p=O.OOl) and there was no effect for two group on interdyalitic weight gain (p=0.024) with Independent T Test. Baking soda is alkali that can nueutralize acid. It moist the mouth. The process of gargling could increase production of saliva. So that could decrease xerostomia complaints, increase comfortable, but couldn't have much effect on interdyalitic weight gain. It can be concluded that solvent of baking soda has an effect on decrease xerostomia complaints, increase comfortable, and has no effect on interdyalitic weight gain. Next study are expected to observe directly gargling with solvent of baking soda to get optimal result.
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