Kanthi Lestari
Penanggulangan Jerawat Dengan Akupunktur Pada Titik Xuehai (Sp-10), Fenglong (St-40) Dan Herbal Mentimun (Cucumis Sativus L.).
Acne is an inflammation that usually acute or chronic form of follicles at various locations pilosebasea predilection, such as face, shoulders, upper part of the superior extremities, chest, and back. Usually caused by a combination of hormonal disturbances in the oil glands and bacteria. According to TCM, there are two categories of acne is Ci Fen Fei Feng (acne caused by PPL wind invades the lungs), or Fen Ci (pimples). Acne is a skin condition associated with the accumulation of heat in the body. This is because patients prefer to consume foods that are spicy and sweet, excessive thinking, and often drive the motor. These cases of acne experienced by patients who complain of acne in nearly all parts of the face, especially on the cheeks, chin, forehead and inflamed, often heart pounding, frequently drew a long breath, chest feels full and sometimes headache in all parts of the head from forehead to nape. Patients easy to sweat when the activity. Stool frequency and magnitude of 3 days once urinate often, a little, and felt hot. Sleep easy patient awake at night, hard to sleep, and restless. Patients are always thirsty to drink. Patients were classified as excess heat syndrome. Acne can be treated with a combination of acupuncture and herbal therapies with the principle of removing heat treatment, cooling the blood, eliminates toxins, and reduce the nodules. Acupuncture therapy is conducted in three series each of 4 treatments using the main point Xuehai SP-10, ST-44 Neiting, LI-4 Hegu, GB-34 Yanglingquan, ST-40 Fenglong. Herbal preparations are given fresh herbs cucumber. Slices of fresh cucumber taste, skin peeled cucumber. Once peeled, cucumbers washed using boiled water and drain. Grate cucumber and fruit seeds to exit the water. Take a cotton beauty and cucumber dip it in water and stick to the face and use as a mask. Repeat until the faces covered with cotton soaked with water cucumber. Done every night before bed. The results of case studies show reduced inflammation for 24 days. But the result was not significant because it has not optimally reduce acne inflammation. The provision of outer and herbal intake, proper maintenance, regular, disciplined, and consistent, and longer handling time may affect the handling became more optimal results. Based on the above description, it can be concluded that acupuncture technique with point Xuehai SP-10, ST-40 Fenglong, ST-44 Neiting, LI-4 Hegu, and GB-34 Yanglingquan as well as providing fresh herbs cucumber fruit water is taken to mask every night before bed for 24 consecutive days can reduced the inflammation of acne.
Keywords: acne, acupuncture, cucumber.
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