Diah Savitri Ernawati, -
Analisis Perubahan Respons Imun Mukosa Mulut Tikus Putih Jenis Winstar Akibat Pemberian Plumbum Asetat Per Oral: Penelitian Eksperimental Laboratoris.
The purpose of this research concerning the effect of acetat plumbum solution on change in immune respons of the male white mouse' s oral mucosa of winstar strain is to prove any change in immune respons of oral mucosa indicated by macrofag, lymphocyte, and immunoglobulin A Such change supposedly can reveal immunopathognesis occuring in oral
mucosa as result of Pb exposure. The underlying mechanism should become a scientific base to prevent further plumbum exposure to avoid any irreversible Pb toxicity. This isolasi an experimental research using post test only control group design it employs an immunopathobiol6gybased approach. This research operates 5 group. Group I isolasi administered a plumbum solution with concentration 50 mg/kg BW each day ; Group II isolasi administered Pb solution with concentration 1 OOmg/kgB\iV ·; Group Ill isolasi administered 200mg/kgBW ; Group IV isolasi administered 400mg/kgBW and control group isolasi administered an aquadest. The Plumbum solution administered for 8 weeks.
Data empirification isolasi derived from calculation of immunoglobulin A, macrofag and lymphocyte · in gingiva mucosa histologic preparation. The data obtained are subject to variance analysis (Anova). The univariate and multivariate analyses are applied to find out the treatment differences among the group using the least significant differential test. The result show that effect of Plumbum solution administered to the five group differs significantly ( Wilk's lambda = 0,000 and p <0,05). From this research it can be conclued that plumbum reduced immune respons in mouse's oral mucosa indicated by lg A, macrofag, and lymphocyte. This reduction has occurred at dose 50 mglkgBW, 1 OOmg/kgBW, 200 mg/kgBW and 400 mg/kgBW. In effort to reveal the undrlying mechanism of plumbum effect in mouse's
oral mucosa the further research needs to other oral mucosa immunologic system. It isolation also necessary to investigate secretory lgA as result of plumbum solution exposure.
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