Singgih Prasetyo A., - and Elde Alifi S.S., - and Mahendra Bayu K, - and M. Ruum Nurprayudi, -
Uji Teknik Pemeriksaan Cervical Lateral Dengan Menggunakan Variasi Beban Terhadap Kenyamanan Pasien Di Gedung Pusat Diagnostik Terpadu RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya.
Has conducted research trials lateral cervical examination techniques using load variation on the patient's comfort in the center of the building RSUD.DR Soetomo diagnostic center. This study aims to determine the patient's comfort during the examination conducted Cervical Lateral. This study was an experimental study by the technique of data collection by interview and giving pieces of respondents to the patient . Furthermore, the data obtained is used to determine the comfort of the patient at the time of the lateral cervical examination . The results of this study indicate that the lateral cervical examination techniques using load in patients aged 30-50 years, patients feel more comfortable. With a load of 2 kg patient feel more comfortable than using a load of 3 kg . However, the load of 3 kg can provide better radiographic results than the load of 2 kg .
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