Identifikasi Protein Hemaglutinin Virus AI Subtipe H5N1 Sebagai Kandidat Antigen Diagnostik

Retina Yunani, - (2008) Identifikasi Protein Hemaglutinin Virus AI Subtipe H5N1 Sebagai Kandidat Antigen Diagnostik. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.

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The objectives of this study were to find the molecular weight of hemaglutinin protein and its antigenicity if being reacted with anti-H5Nl , anti-H5N2 and antiH5N9 antibodies.The first step conducted in this study was to characterize hemaglutinin protein of AI virus H5Nl subtype using SDS-PAGE. Subsequently, to identify the antigenicity of the protein against anti-H5Nl we conducted Western Blotting test and, finally, we used indirect ELISA to find the antigenicity between hemaglutinin protein and anti-H5Nl, anti-H5N2 and anti-H5N9 antibodies.The protein bands of HA, NP, NA, NS and Ml with molecular weights of 78 kDa; 59,4 kDa; 53,5 kDa; 27,9 kDa and 16,9 kDa were apparent in the gel as the result of SDS-PAGE. Using Western Blotting technique, the antigenicity of hemaglutinin (HA) protein has been proved after being reacted with anti-H5N 1 antibody. Finally, indirect ELISA technique was used to test antigenicity between HA protein and anti-H5N 1, anti H5N2 and anti H5N9 antibodies. The result of examination, which was stated in Optical Density (OD), revealed ranges as follows: 0.3280-0,4120; 0.1150-0,2870 and 0.1360-0,3250. From the result of HSD, it was found that anti-H5N1 antibody had the strongest interaction with hemaglutinin protein.Based on this study, it can be concluded that hemaglutinin protein of AI virus H5Nl subtype is antigenic against anti-H5Nl, anti-H5N2 and anti-H5N9 antibodies, so that it can be used as candidate for diagnostic antigene.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Additional Information: KK KKA TI 07-11 Yun i
Uncontrolled Keywords: Hemaglutinin, AI virus H5N1 subtype, ELISA
Subjects: R Medicine
Divisions: 09. Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Ilmu Imunologi
Retina Yunani, -NIM.090610551 I M
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
ContributorSuwarno, -NIDN0015056106
ContributorEddy Bagus Wasito, -NIDN0021025102
Depositing User: prasetyo adi nugroho
Date Deposited: 29 Mar 2023 01:20
Last Modified: 29 Mar 2023 01:20
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