Aby Nugrah Septanto
Hubungan Commitment Dengan Taking Action And Enactment Pada Perubahan Perilaku Kelompok Risiko Hiv Dan Aids : Sopir Truk Di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya Berdasarkan Pendekatan Aids Risk Reduction Model (ARRM).
Introduction :Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the virus attacks human immunity system one of cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Truck drivers is high risk groups transmission HIV and AIDS. The Aims of this study was to examine the relationship of commitment toward taking action and enactment of behaviour change risk groups : truck drivers at the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya based on Aids Risk Reduction Model (ARRM).
Methods : A descriptive analytic method was used in this study. The research was conducted by cross sectional design. The respondents were 50 samples with used convenience sampling technique. Independent variable were self efficacy and enjoyment, and response efficacy. Dependent variable was taking action. Data were collected using questionnaire. Analyzed by spearman rho correlation test with significance level of p< 0,05.
Result: Result showed self efficacy and enjoyment related to taking action (behaviour) (p=0,004) of truck drivers, and there was correlated response efficacy and taking action (p=0,031). The respondents were 26 respondents with strong self efficacy and 24 respondents with weak self efficacy. The respondents were 30 respondents with strong response efficacy and 20 respondents with weak response efficacy.
Discussion and Conclusion: The conclusion was that there were significant commitment : self efficacy and enjoyment, response efficacy with taking action (behaviour). The self efficacy and enjoyment showed strong, the taking action showed strong too and the response efficacy showed strong, the taking action showed strong. It needs further research of high risk behaviour with different theory such as Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) or Stimulus-Organism-Response theory (S-O-R).
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