Abdul Habib
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Skizofrenia Terhadap Mekanisme Koping Orang Tua Penderita Skizofrenia Penelitian Quast Experimental (Non Randomized Control Group Pretest - Postest) Di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur Surabaya.
Health education in elderly with schizophrenia is a highly influential stimulus on the use of coping mechanism. This is because one variable affecting coping mechanism is knowledge, and knowledge is obtained from, among others, health education that meets the need of the elderly, so that it may influence the use of adaptive coping mechanism. The objective of this study was to find the influence of health education towards coping mechanism in schizophrenic elderly.
This was a quasi-experimental study. Samples were taken from schizophrenic elderly in Menur Mental Hospital, Surabaya, at rooms C, D, E, F, G, and psychiatric emergency room. Sample size was 30 individuals, recruited using purposing sampling. Obtained samples were divided into 2 groups comprising 15 individuals each. One group was given with health eduction, while another one was not. Collected data were processed using Wilcoxon Rank Test and Mann Whitney Test with significance level of p < 0,05.
Result of Wilcoxon test showed the reduction of the use maladaptive coping mechanism in treatment group after being given with education, with p = 0,014 and p = 0,317 for respondents were not given with health education_ Health education influence the using of coping mechanism which adaptive or task oriented coping mechanism. Result of Mann Whithney Test showed p — 0,031. It can be concluded that health education has influence on coping mechanism in elderly with schizophrenia.
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