Andri Wijaya
Analisis Faktor Perilaku Caring Mahasiswa Keperawatan Berbasis Teori Kinerja Gibson.
first place for students to learn about the most significant values and essence of their profession. Application on caring behavior of nursing students is influenced by factors that can not be explained. The purpose of this study was to
analyze the influence individual, psychological, and organizational factors on the caring behavior of nursing students in internship level. Methods. The design of
the study was descriptive analytical with cross-sectional approach. The population was Regular Nursing Students of Internship Program in Faculty of Nursing Airlangga University. Total sample was 26 respondents, taken according to inclusion criteria. The independent variables in this study: GPA, personality, motivation, and workload. The dependent variable was caring behavior. Data were
collected by using questionnaires for independent variable and observation checklist for dependent variables. Data were analyzed by using Regression Linear with degree of significance p<0.05. Result and Analysis. Result showed that
caring behavior was influence by GPA (p=0,003), extraversion (p=0,045), conscientiousness (p=0,005), need for achievement (p=0,008), need for affiliation (p=0,007), need of power (p=0,012) and workload (0,001). Discussion. Workload
was the most dominant factors that influence caring behavior in nursing students.
It is suggested for nursing students to more be prepared for their internship program and for Faculty of Nursing Airlangga University its suggested to using pre-clinical program study and harden the function of academics tutor to increase the caring behavior.
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