Deasy Nusiyanti, -
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Perubahan Persepsi Remaja Putra Tentang Narkoba Di SMA GIKI 2 Surabaya: Penelitian Quasy-Eksperiment.
Drugs usually use for medical purpose, but if the purpose is not compatible with medical indication, it will very disadvantaging for health especially for young generation. Male adolescent usually have a wrong perception about drugs and it also happened in eleventh grade male student of GIKI 2 Surabaya Senior High School. However, health education about drugs has not ever given yet in GIKI 2 Surabaya Senior High School. This study aimed to analyze the health education effect on the change of male adolescent’s perception about drugs who are in eleventh grade student of GIKI 2 Surabaya Senior High School. Design used in this study was Quasy-Experimental which compared control group and intervention group. The population was all male students in eleventh grade taken by purposive sampling method. As a result, thirty respondents fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The independent variable of this study is health education about drugs and the dependent variable was male adolescent’s perception about drugs. Data were collected using questionnaire and were analyzed using Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test and Mann-Whitney U-Test (p< 0,05). The result showed that health education about drugs had significant influence in male adolescent’s perception of intervention group (p=0.000) and control group (p=1). The result also showed that there was a significant difference about post test score between intervention group and control group (p=0.000). It can be concluded that health education had a significant effect to change male adolescent’s perception of GIKI 2 Surabaya Senior High School’s student about drugs because health education could made better their perception. To obtain the greater effect of male adolescent perception changing, it is best that the frequently of health education is increased and also to get more effective result, it is better to use another method beside speech method.
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