Irma Febriyanti
Perbandingan Kadar Asam Laktat dan Kadar Glukosa Darah pada Wanita Berpakaian Olahraga Tertutup dengan Berpakaian Olahraga Terbuka Setelah Aktivitas Fisik Submaksimal (Penelitian Eksperimental Laboratorik).
This is an experimental laboratory experiment on 18 person, 18 - 24 years
old Students of Sports Education from Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Surabaya
State University) based on Faktorial Pretest Posttest Design Research Plan,
which are used to compare the effect of Closed Sports Apparel and Open Sports
Apparel to the level of Lactic Acid and Blood Glucose after Sub-Maximum
Physical Activity.
The Activity Level used in this experiment is Sub-Maximwn Activity,
putting Sub-Maximal Intensity (75% HRmax) for 5 minutes, using Ergocyc/e
Monark. Measurement of Lactic Acid Level is done using Accurated Lactate tool,
made in Roche - Germany to the accuracy of mMol/1 while the Blood Glucose •
Level measurement is done using Blood Glucose Meter tool, made in San Diego -
USA to the accuracy of mg/dL. Data analysis using Descriptive Test, Normality
Test, t-Paired Test, Factorial Test with Subject, and t-Free Test.
The result of the test shows that, on average : Starting Lactic Acid Level
for Open Sports Apparel is 2,771 ± 0,642 mMol/1, Lactic Acid Level immediately
after Sub-Maximum Activity 9,343 ± 2,777 mMol/1. Starting Lactic Acid Level
for Closed Sports Apparel is 3,743 ± 0,860 mMol/1, Lactic Acid Level
immediately after Sub-Maximum Activity 10,100 ± 4,948 mMol/1. And Starting
Blood Glucose Concentration for Open Sports Apparel is 100,857 ± 7,033 mg/dL,
Blood Glucose Concentration immediately after Sub-Maximum Activity 85,857 ±
8,668 mg/dL. Starting Blood Glucose Concentration for Closed Sports Apparel is
1 07,285 ± 14,091 mg/dL, Blood Glucose Concentration immediately after SubMaximum
Activity 80,428 ± 8,847 mg/dL.
Result from the T-Free Test are : Lactic Acid Level for Open Sports
Apparel is t= 6,571 (p > 0,05) and Lactic Acid Level for Closed Sports Apparel is
t= 6,357 (p > 0,05). Blood Glucose Concentration for Open Sports Apparel is t=
15,000 (p > 0,05), Blood Glucose Concentration for Closed Sports Apparel is t=
26,857 (p > 0,05).
From this experiment, we can conclude that : There are no significant
effects on using Open Sports Apparel and Closed Sports Apparel to the Lactic
Acid Level and Blood Glucose Concentration.
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