Perbandingan Latihan Interval Anaerobik 1:3 dan 1:5 terhadap Nilai V02 Maks

Roy Januardi I. (2010) Perbandingan Latihan Interval Anaerobik 1:3 dan 1:5 terhadap Nilai V02 Maks. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.

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This study aim is to know influence of anaerobic interval training 1 :3 and 1 :5 on V02 max value, to compare between anaerobic interval training 1:3 and 1:5 on V02 max value. The design of this study was a pure experimental research design with The pretest - posttest group design. The sample in this study used a number of 20 students of Department of Sport Science FIK Surabaya State University class of2007, male gender, aged 21 years. Samples were divided into two groups using a lottery technique. Each group of I 0 students by the division as a group exercise KI anaerobic interval training I :3 and K2 as group 1:5. This training form was step up and down the bench and using 85% of maximum training capacity. 8 repetitions times in I set, 90 seconds of work, with rest 270 seconds at anaerobic interval training 1:3, and 450 seconds at 1:5. The frequency of the training program was three times a week, six-week long exercise. Measurements conducted on the pretest and posttest of moderator variables (weight, height), the control variables (age, sex) and dependent variable and V02 max. Measurements were carried out after being divided into two groups held pretest, each group of K 1 and K2. The homo globin was measured by Hemocue, and V02 max was measured by MFT. Data analysis was processed using the test statistics descriptive statistics, normality test of homogeneity, the same test subjects anova and LSD test, Anacova. LSD test results showed the value of p <0.05 in all groups. Anova test results on the variables of hemoglobin a group of K1 and K2 was higher than 0000 (p = 1,000), which means there were no significant difference between K1 and K2, but V02 max a group ofKI and K2 in early 0.000 had a value ofp = (p <0.05), which means there is a significant difference. The conclusions of this study were ( 1) anaerobic interval training 1 :3 and anaerobic interval training 1:5 can increased V02 max (2) anaerobic interval training 1:3 increased V02 max more than anaerobic interval training 1:5.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Additional Information: KKA KK TKO 07/11 Roy p
Uncontrolled Keywords: hemoglobin, V02 max, anaerobic, interval training 1:3, interval training 1:5, and step up and down the bench
Subjects: R Medicine > RC Internal medicine > RC1200 Sports Medicine
Divisions: 01. Fakultas Kedokteran > Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Olahraga
Roy Januardi I.090810202 M
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
Thesis advisorPaulus Liben9900986841
Thesis advisorHarlina194906131978032001
Depositing User: Sulistiorini
Date Deposited: 10 Apr 2023 00:31
Last Modified: 10 Apr 2023 00:31
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