Perbandingan Efek Pemanasan Aktif dan Pemanasan Pasif Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Kadar Asam Laktat pada Aktivitas Fisik Submaksimal (Penelitian Eksperimental Laboratoris).
Warming up is a beginning activity in exercise to prepare body physiologically
and psychologically to do more heavy activity and reduce flawed risk before
doing exercise or competition.
Research design is "the randomized pretest- posttest control group design".
This research uses human beings as subject. The subjects are students of Surabaya
State University of sport faculty major of physical education. Samples of this
research are eighteen students of 21- 23 years old. The students are divided into
two groups. Nine students are in active warming up Group (Kl) and nine students
are in passive warming up Group (K2). Each group is given sub-maximal physical
activity by paddling ergocycle by 80% HRmax. The measurement of blood
glucose and lactic acid was done four times: Pre-test, immediately after warming
up, 5 minutes and 30 minutes after sub-maximal physical activity
Research finding is analyzed by descriptive analysis, test of normality,
paired t test, and independent t test in significance 0,05 by IBM SPSS 20. The
results showed the blood glucose (mg/dL ); Kl: 99 ,66±2, 73-96,66±2,64-
92,55±2,18-89,88±3,44. K2: 96,88±3,01-99,22±2,22-93,55±3,24-91,11±5,55. The
blood lactic acid (mmol/dL); K1: 2,78±0,41-7,41±1,41-8,82±1,50-3,40 ±0,49. K2:
1 ,33±0,41-2,07±0,65-6,30± 1,39-3,10 ±0,66.
Therefore, it can be concluded that: There is no difference between K 1 to
K2 to changes in blood glucose, only an increase in blood glucose after passive
warming up. Increased blood lactate after warming up in group K1 is greater than
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