Parents' Behavior Related to Caries Status of Children with Down Syndrome in Surabaya

Tania Saskianti, - and Ardianti Maartrina Dewi, - and Nur Masyitah Iskandar Putri, - and Andi Octafianto, - (2021) Parents' Behavior Related to Caries Status of Children with Down Syndrome in Surabaya. Acta Medica Phillippina, 55 (8). ISSN 00016071, 20949278

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Background. Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosome disorder due to the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21) caused by a failure in chromosome segregation. Following Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RISKESDAS) in 2013, the number of people with DS in Indonesia increased compared to 2010, with an estimated 924 children with DS in Surabaya. Data regarding caries status in children with DS in Surabaya is limited. Objective. To evaluate parents’ behavior (predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors) related to the caries status of children with DS. Methods. This observational analytic cross-sectional study included children aged ≤18 years with DS and parents who were members of the Parents' Association of Children with Down Syndrome (POTADS). Caries status were measured using the DMF-T/def-t score, and parents were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Spearman’s correlation test. Result. We included 46 children with DS in this study. The DMF-t / def-t index of children with DS (7.2) was categorized as very high according to WHO. There was a significant relationship between lack of knowledge of parents and caries status in children with DS. Enabling factors and reinforcing factors were not significantly correlated with caries status. Conclusion. Parents' behavior is correlated with the caries status of children with DS. All combination of three factors behavior, including predisposing, enabling and reinforcing, are needed to reduce the number of caries in children with DS.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > RK Dentistry
Tania Saskianti, -NIDN0013017708
Ardianti Maartrina Dewi, -NIDN0014038304
Nur Masyitah Iskandar Putri, --
Andi Octafianto, --
Depositing User: Muhammad Fadli Rois
Date Deposited: 12 Apr 2023 00:10
Last Modified: 12 Apr 2023 00:10
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