Pengaruh Senam Otak (Brain Gym) Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas 1 Sdn Wonokarang 1 Balongbendo Kabupaten Sidoarjo.
Skripsi thesis, Universitas Airlangga.
Brain Gym plays a parts in the balance of left and right brain so the students can increase learning ability with all of brain. Brain gym in child-age could reduced stress in order to increase learning effort. The goal of this research was to analyze the influence of brain gym to the learning motivation in first year of student elementary school Wonokarang I Balongbendo, Sidorujo. The design of the research was pre-experimental using "one group pre test post post design". This study takes first year of students elementary school Wonokarang I, the sample of this study are 18 respondents collected based on inclusion criteria. sampling technique used purposive sampling. The independent variable in the research was brain gym and the dependent variable was study motivation. Data collection was conducted by questionnaire. Data analyze used Wilcoxon sign Rank Test Result of the research showed there influence of brain gym to study motivation in first year of student elementary school Wonokarang I Balongbendo, Sidorujo. Of Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test obtained meaning Value p=O,OOO (a=0,05) indicated that Hl was accepted. It means there was influence of brain gym to the learning motivation in fisrt year students elementary school Wonokarang I. It's suggest to have further research with more respondents completed, control variable in order to a gain better result of research. In conclusion of this research that brain gym influence to learing motivation in first year student elementary school. Limitation of research was the first year student elementary school Wonokarang I Balongbendo, Sidorujo. Is not quite representative
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