Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Konsumsi Sayuran Berklorofil Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Kadar HB Ibu Hamil Trimester Ke Dua Di BKIA RS. Darmo Surabaya.
Skripsi thesis, Universitas Airlangga.
The deficiency of iron substance is common occur on pregnant women in second trimester who has less knowledge. If it is not immediately managed, it will cause the disturbance on mother and fetus. The purpose if' this rescearch was to study the influence of health education about consumption of chlorophyll-content vegetables toward the knowledge and Hb Level. This research was pre-experiment rese:1rch :111d the sample used was 10 pregnant women. The needed cl:lta was collected with questionnaire :1nd observation sheets, then it was :m:llyzed statistically by \Vilcoxon-test, in order to know the correlation between inclcpenclent :111d dcpcnclent v:1riahles with significance level p:;O,OS. In this research the obtained result with st:1tistic test were (F O,O)<) l'or mother's knowledge ;mel p=0,004 ror lib level, it indicated that there were significant correlation between pregnant won1en ktlowledge in cotJstttnitlg chlorophyll-content veget:1bles and Hb level. According to the data analysis result, can be conclucled that pregnant wotncn with good knowledge has high l-Ib level, and pregn:lllt WOmen WIJO lack or knowledge in consuming chlorophyll-content vegetables has enough level of Hb. Because this lack of knowledge of pregnant women, so it is necessary to motivate the pregnant women for consuming chlorophyll-content vegetables to avoid the occurrence of anemia in the pregnancy.
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