Maxillary-arch Shape Associated with the Position of the Greater Palatine Foramen

Margot de los Ríos Argumedo, - and Hanny Gonzales-Olaza, - and Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, - and Amanda, - and Violeta Malpartida-Carrillo, - and Maria Eugenia Guerrero, - (2022) Maxillary-arch Shape Associated with the Position of the Greater Palatine Foramen. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research..

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An observational study was carried out on 103 CBCTs. The GPF position was assessed by drawing guidelines in the CBCT axial image located between the first, second and third molar and in the center of the second and third molar, performing five guidelines on each side. Also, the depths and widths of the dental arches were measured at the canine and second molar regions to determine maxillary arch shapes (ovoid, square and tapered) by calibrated interexaminers (Kappa index and Intraclass correlation coefficient). An association test was performed using the Chisquare Pearson test and the Fisher exact test (P<0.05). Objectives to determine the association of the maxillary arch shape with the greater palatine foramen (GPF) position using CBCT scans. Position C (68.94%) was the most frequent position followed by position B (19.42%), position D (7.76%), and position E (3.88%). Hence, 76.70% of the GPFs were located in the opposite to the third molars position. The Fisher´s exact test showed a significant association between position C and all age groups (P<0.001). The ovoid maxillary arch was the most frequent in teeth of female patients (27.18%) followed by males (23.31%). Position C was mostly frequent in ovoid (33.98%), square (33.31%), and tapered (11.64%) arches. However, the Chi-square Pearson test did not show a significant association between these variables (P=0.332). The shape of the maxillary arch and the position of the GPF had no association

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > RK Dentistry
Divisions: 02. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi > Ilmu Konservasi Gigi (Spesialis)
Margot de los Ríos Argumedo, --
Hanny Gonzales-Olaza, --
Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, -NIDN0020087102
Amanda, --
Violeta Malpartida-Carrillo, --
Maria Eugenia Guerrero, --
Depositing User: Muhammad Fadli Rois
Date Deposited: 17 Apr 2023 00:25
Last Modified: 05 May 2023 03:15
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