Uterine conservative–resective surgery for selected placenta accreta spectrum cases: Surgical–vascular control methods

Rozi Aditya Aryananda, - and Aditiawarman, - and Khanisyah Erza Gumilar, - and Manggala Pasca Wardhana, - and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar, - and Nareswari Cininta I, - and Ernawati, - and Budi Wicaksono, - and Hermanto Tri Joewono, - and Erry Gumilar Dachlan, - and Citra Aulia Bachtiar, - and Devita Kurniawati, - and Dian Puspita Virdayanti, - and Grace Ariani, - and Gustaf Albert Dekker, - and Agus Sulistyono, - (2022) Uterine conservative–resective surgery for selected placenta accreta spectrum cases: Surgical–vascular control methods. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 101 (6). pp. 639-648. ISSN 0001-6349

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Introduction The incidence of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) has increased, but the optimal management and the optimal way to achieve vascular control are still controversial. This study aims to compare maternal outcomes between different methods of vascular control in surgical PAS management. Material and methods A retrospective cohort study on consecutive cases diagnosed with PAS between 2013 and 2020 in single tertiary hospital. The final diagnosis of PAS was made following preoperative ultrasound and confirmation during surgery. Management of PAS using cesarean hysterectomy with internal iliac artery ligation (IIAL) was compared with two types of vascular control in uterine conservative–resective surgery (IIAL vs identification–ligation of the upper vesical, upper vaginal, and uterine arteries). Results Over an 8-year period, 234 pregnant women were diagnosed with PAS meeting the inclusion criteria. Uterine conservative–resective surgery (200 cases) was associated with lower mean blood loss compared with cesarean hysterectomy with IIAL (34 cases) in all PAS cases (1379 ± 769 mL vs 3168 ± 1916 mL; p < 0.001). In sub-analysis of the two uterine conservative–resective surgery subgroups, the group with identification–ligation of the upper vesical, upper vaginal, and uterine arteries had a significantly lower blood loss compared with uterine conservative–resective surgery with IIAL (1307 ± 743 mL vs 1701 ± 813 mL; p = 0.005). Women in the hysterectomy with IIAL group had more massive transfusion (35.3% vs 2.5%; p < 0.001; odds ratio [OR] 21.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] 6.9–66), major blood loss (>1500 mL) (70.6% vs 34%, p < 0.001; OR 4.7; 95% CI 2.1–10.3), catastrophic blood loss (>2500 mL) (64.7% vs 12.5%;p < 0.001; OR 12.8, 95% CI 5.7–29.1), other complications (32% vs 12.4%; p = 0.007; OR 3.4, 95% CI 1.5–7.7), and intensive care unit admission (32.4% vs 1.5%; p < 0.001; OR 31.4, 95% CI 8.2–120.7) compared with the uterine conservative–resective surgery groups. The identification–ligation of the upper vesical, upper vaginal and uterine arteries had a significant lower risk for major blood loss (30.5% vs 50%; p = 0.041; OR 0.44, 95% CI = 0.2–0.9) compared with IIAL for vascular control of uterine conservative–resective surgery. Cesarean hysterectomy is not the default treatment for PAS, PAS with invasion above the vesical trigone are suitable for uterine conservative–resective surgery with upper vesical, upper vaginal and uterine artery vascular control.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: placenta accreta spectrum, uterine conservative–resective surgery, vascular control
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
R Medicine > RG Gynecology and obstetrics
Divisions: 01. Fakultas Kedokteran > Obstetri Dan Ginekologi (Sub Spesialis)
Rozi Aditya Aryananda, -UNSPECIFIED
Aditiawarman, -NIDN8837700016
Khanisyah Erza Gumilar, -NIDN0005088405
Manggala Pasca Wardhana, -NIDN0020118404
Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar, -NIDN0018018203
Nareswari Cininta I, -UNSPECIFIED
Ernawati, -NIDN0016077710
Budi Wicaksono, -UNSPECIFIED
Hermanto Tri Joewono, -NIDN8817900016
Erry Gumilar Dachlan, -UNSPECIFIED
Citra Aulia Bachtiar, -UNSPECIFIED
Devita Kurniawati, -UNSPECIFIED
Dian Puspita Virdayanti, -UNSPECIFIED
Grace Ariani, -UNSPECIFIED
Gustaf Albert Dekker, -UNSPECIFIED
Agus Sulistyono, -NIDN8810800016
Depositing User: arys fk
Date Deposited: 05 May 2023 00:34
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2023 00:17
URI: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/126124
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