Comparison of Propofol Ketamine andPropofol Fentanyl Combinations toMake Patient Comfort andPsychologically Ease inColonoscopy Procedures

Petrus D. Doko Rehi, - and Arie Utariani, Arie and Prananda Surya Airlangga, - Comparison of Propofol Ketamine andPropofol Fentanyl Combinations toMake Patient Comfort andPsychologically Ease inColonoscopy Procedures. Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversitiese, 6 (8S). pp. 16-27. ISSN 2589-7799

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Abstract Introduction: Patient comfort and ease are crucial for successful colonoscopy procedures. Propofol, due to its minimal analgesic properties, needs to be combined with other analgesic drugs, especially opioids. The mixture of ketamine with propofol is a balanced and ideal combination, particularly in emergency patients with unstable hemodynamic, and it produces better sedation quality than the mixture of propofol-fentanyl. With the avoidance of hypotensive effects and manageable pain, discharge time for outpatients or inpatients can be shorter. Objectives: Analysis of the changes between fentanyl propofol and the combination of sedative drugs in patients requiring colonoscopy. Methods: This research was a single-blinded randomized intervention analytical experimental cross-sectional study with a consecutive sampling technique. Thirty-two patients who met the inclusion criteria were divided into two groups, one receiving a combination of propofol-fentanyl sedation drugs and the other receiving a combination of propofol-ketamine. Results: In the comparison test of blood pressure, systolic and diastolic heart rate from the beginning to the 25th minute, all p-values were > 0.05 between the propofol-fentanyl and propofol-ketamine groups, indicating no significant difference in hemodynamic among the two groups. In the comparison test on saturation, all p-values were <0.05 between the propofol-fentanyl and propofol-ketamine groups, indicating a significant difference in saturation between the two groups. The mean saturation value was lower in the propofol-fentanyl group compared to the propofol-ketamine group. The comparison test on respiratory rate obtained p-values > 0.05 between the propofol-fentanyl and propofol-ketamine groups, indicating no significant difference in respiratory rate between the two groups. The recovery time was longer in the propofol-fentanyl group (37.87 minutes) compared to the propofol-ketamine group (33.00 minutes). Conclusions: There were no changes in haemodynamic (blood pressure and pulse rate). There was an important difference in breathing (respiratory rate and saturation time to retrieval) and PADSS in both groups, including propofol ketamine and propofol fentanyl, in the colonoscopy procedure.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General) > R5-920 Medicine (General)
Divisions: 01. Fakultas Kedokteran > Anestesiologi dan Reanimasi
Petrus D. Doko Rehi, -UNSPECIFIED
Arie Utariani, ArieNIDN8808130017
Prananda Surya Airlangga, -UNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: arys fk
Date Deposited: 06 Oct 2023 00:22
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2023 05:52
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