Nian Nurvita Dewi, -
Pengaruh Teh Hitam (Black tea) Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darar Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Penderita Hiperglikemia.
Skripsi thesis, Universitas Airlangga.
Hyperglicemia defmes as fasting plasma glucose levels higher than 110 mg/1 00 mi. Hyperglicemia usually occurs due to low insulin production. Low of production insulin can occur because of damage pancreatic P cells. Damage pancreatic p ceiJs can be caused by one of oxidative stress conditions. Hyperglicemia condition itself may cause oxidative stress conditions in which a product (AGE). Plants of tea which ones processing is black tea can used for antihyperglicemia. This study aims to prove influence infusum black tea in lowering blood glucose levels of white rats (Rattus norvegicus) who suffer hyperglycemia. lnfusum black tea given in four doses treatment : 0 mglkg 88, 114.52 mglkg88, 252 mglkgB8, and 314,87 mglkgB8. Results of this study indicated that administration infusum black tea can reduce levels of sugar white rats who suffer hyperglycemia. Given infusum black tea at a doses of 114.52 mglkg88 and 252 mglkgB8 doses, giving the effect of lowering blood glucose levels in patient hyperglicemia better than dose 314,87 mglkgB8 were observed at 2"d time and 4th time.
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