Meyka Aris Yusron
Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Perawat Pns Dan Non Pns Terhadap Pemberlakuan Kepmenkes. No. 1239/2001.
Healthy Department Republic of Indonesia has forced KepMenKes No.1239/2001 about nursing legislate and practice. Nursing legislate consist about certificatiion, registration, licence that comprise Sil(, SIP, SIPP, that must be have by nurse so nurse employe covered on law a scale and guaranted as legal on the pretence of nursing profession. KepMenKes No.1239/2001 that purposed to protected nurse employe would be present of claim from patient or clien, in order that unmistaken occurred in commited his jobs, and given on a law certainly, law protected for nurse. In this reseach to study the problem of relationship between knowledge and attitude about PNS and Non PNS nurses to forcedness KepMenKes No.1239/2001. Design used in this study was cross sectional design. It populate are PNS and Non PNS nurses that work on Anggrek, Bougenvile, ICU, Teladan IV, and emergency room on RAA Soewondo Pati Hospital. Sample that applied was purposive sampling i.e. settled on inclusion criteria based with umber of respondent PNS and Non PNS nurse is some i.e. 25 people. Data collecting conducted with questioner spread, test that obtained with Spearmant Test with level significant p = 0.005. The result from research show there was relationship that significant between knowledge and attitude PNS and Non PNS nurses to forcedness KepMenKes No.1239/2001 with significant p = 0.002. PNS and Non PNS nurses knowledge and attitude about certification, registration, licence, on Anggrek, Bougenvile, ICU, Teladan IV, and Emergency room has good category.
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