Imam Hidayat, -
Hubungan Antara Tingkat Pengetahuan Perawat Tentang Manajemen Laktasi Dan Pelaksanaan Manajemen Laktasi Pada Pemberian ASI: Penelitian Cross Sectional Di Ruang Bersalin RSUD Situbondo.
Lactasy management is an effort that is done supprott the successful of succkling. The increasing of usage of mother milk (ASI) especially an exelusive ASI is a priority program because of the influence that wide against status of nutrient and baby's healt. The aim of this study was to investigate correlation between nurse's knowledge and implementation of lactasy managent. Design used in this study was correlational descriptive design. Samples, 32 respondent, were taken from 8 nurses SPK and 14 nurses SPK +P2B and 10 nurses of Dill bacckgraund in Obstetric Wards, RSUD Hospital Situbondo, using Nonprobability sampling according to inclusion creteria. Data were analyzed and deduced by means spearman test with p::;0 ,05 . Results of analysis revealed p= 0,000 with correlation coefficient of r= 0,813 indicating a lower level of correlation. It can be concluded that nurse's knowledge has corelation with the implementation of lactasy management.
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