Nur Khalilah, -
Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kepatuhan Orang Tua Terhadap Kelengkapan Imunisasi Anak Di Desa Pademawu Timur Pamekasan: Penelitian Cross Sectional Di Desa Pademawu Timur Pamekasan.
Immunization in under.fives is important to control infectious and communicable diseases, such as polio, smallpox, tetanus, diphtheria, measles, tuberculosis, and hepatitis. Underfives should have complete immunization when they are at the age of 0 - 12 months, with the hope that they may have optimum growth and development, since the primary indicator of achievement in health care, including nursing care, is the reduction of mortality rate of infants and underfives. This study was descriptive study using cross-sectional design, and carried out in Pademawu Timur Village, Pamekasan, Madura. Samples were 30 individuals, comprised mothers who had underfives of 1 year old with incomplete immunization. Sample were taken using purposive sampling based on the inclusion criteria. Data were collected using quistionnaire that was completed by means of interview. Data were tabulated an analyzed using Spearman rho test with significance level of0.05. Result showed that correlation between education and compliance of the parents to have their underfives completely immunized had coefficient of 0.409 and significance level of 0.025, while correlation between knowledge an compliance of the parents had coefficient of0.440 and significance level of0.015. Result of this study revealed the need of preliminary studies on demographic factors and knowledge of the parents on immunization. Nurses in Pademawu Village, Pamekasan, Should provide health promotion for the parents, either through PKK or Dharma Wanita activities, regarding complete and timely immunization.
Keywords : education, age, occupation, knowledge, compliance of the parents to have their underfives completely immunized.
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