Intan Dyah Kumalasari
Prevalensi Infeksi Cacing Saluran Percernaan Berdasarkan Pemeriksaan Feses Pada Genus Macaca Di Kebun Binatang Surabaya.
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intan dyah kumalasari20240202_09014928.pdf
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The research was aimed to detennine the prevalence rate of wonn parasitic gastrointestinal in Macaca at Surabaya Zoo. There were three macaques consisted of Macacafascicularis, Macaca nemesterina and Macaca maura. Parasitological examination for presence of helminth eggs in fecal samples was carried out using floatation and sedimentation methods. The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites
in Macaca fascicularis. Macaca nemesterina and Macaca maura were 10.34 %, 16.67% and 14.29 %, respectively. Moreover two species of gastrointestinal parasites that found were Strongyloides spp and Trichuris spp., respectively. Although infection of those parasites usually do not give rise recognizable clinical manisfestation, heavy infections would cause some symptoms and fatal case on
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