Maria Kareri Hara, -
Faktor Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Presepsi Ibu Terhadap Demam Pada Bayi Pasca Imunisasi DPT.
Skripsi thesis, Universitas Airlangga.
The DPT immunizing is always appear warm or fever reaction dfter injection this action cause a baby get fussy, and restless from thus appear any perception at parenis (mother) side. This research is Descriptive research with use of Cross Sectional design. Purpose of this research is to know the factors that influence a mother perception about fever after DPT immunizing. Their independent variables are a mother necessity for immunizes her baby, a mother knowledge, experience, and information that found about immunization by a mother. Moreover, its dependent variables is a mother perception. Amount of sample in this research is 60 respondent that selected with Simple Random Sampling method. In addition, conducted a logistic regression statistic test with purposed rate p < 0,05 to know influence between independent and dependent
variable. This research konducted at local goverenment clinic o0f Kawangu, Sumba Timur. Its result show that there is a influence which have so much meaning between independent variable to depedent variable that is influence of education level factor (p = 0.026), information (p = 0.039), necessity (p = 0.040), and experience (p = 0.045). From that for factor above, a most determinant factor that dominant is education level (p = 0.026).
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