Nour Viana Aprilia
Pengaruh Teknik Massage Punggung Terhadap Adaptasi Nyeri Pada Primipara Kala I Fase Aktif Di Bps Ninik Artiningsih Dusun Trenggilis Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon Mojokerto.
Every pmmparous have different responses when facing labor pain. Nonfarmakologis techniques including back massage technique effective to reduce labor pain. This study aims to determine the effect of back massage techniques on the adaptation of labor in primiparous at active phase first stage. This study used Quasy Experimental design. The samples used were primiparous mother at active phase, selected using purposive sampling. The sample was divided into two groups: treatment group (n = 6), and the control group (n = 5). The variables measured in this study is the adaptation of physical, psychological adaptation, and social adaptation. Wilcoxon test in the control group showed there were no different of physical adaptation, psychological adaptation, and social adaptation (p = 1,000), between pre test and post test. Treatment group showed there were different of physical adaptation (p = 0,026), psychological adaptation (p = 0,038), and social adaptation (p = 0,024), between pre test and post test. The result of Mann Whitney U test for the control group and treatment group showed there were different of physical adaptation (p = 0,005), psychological adaptation (p = 0,011 ), and social adaptation (p = 0,003). Back massage techniques improve adaptation of labor pain in primiparous at active phase first stage. Application of the back massage should be optimalized to reduce labor pain at active phase first stage.
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