Fransisca Kristiningsih, ,-
Pengaruh Teknik Relaksasi Breathing Exercise Terhadap Repons Penerimaan Prosedur Invasif Pada Anak Usia Pra Sekolah Di Paviliun 14 RSK ST Vincentius A Paulo Surabaya.
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FRANSISCA KRISTININGSIH 010730494 B20240228.pdf
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The Hospital universally will be made the children become stress. Hospitalization response of the child particularly is afraid sense regard to painful procedure and increase to attack the invasive procedure. The purpose of this observation is to describe the influence of breathing exercise relaxation technical regard to receiving of invasive procedure response in the preliminary school chidren. This research regard to quasy experimental design and will be started at 5th January 2009 to 21st January 2009. The sampling methode that will be used is purposive sampling with totally samples 20 respondences. The independent variable in this research is the breathing exercise relaxation technical, whenever the dependent variable are phsycological and biological receiving responses. The collecting datas for phsylogical response is provided by the Observation Form, and the biological response is provide by measuring of blood pressure, hearth rate, and respiratory rate. The datas analyzes using statictically test: Wilcoxon signed Rank test, Mann whitney Test and T - Test, in significancy degree p :S 0.05. The statistical test result there is significancy influence to phsycological response (p=0.000), of hearth rate (p=0.017), and respiratory rate (p=0.000), but is not significant for the systole (p=0.068) and the dyastole (p=0.065). Breathing exercise relaxation technical that using to preliminary school children who follow invasive procedure influence to increasing pshycological response, alteration of hearth rate and respiratory rate as normal range. Key Words: breathing exercise, phsycological response receiving, biological response receiving, invasive procedure, preliminary school children
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