Disengagement from Postgraduate Research: An Exploratory Analysis of Media Research Students Experiencing Disengagement from Studies in Karachi

Yaseen, Safeena and Mazahir, Ibtesam and Surya, Yuyun (2022) Disengagement from Postgraduate Research: An Exploratory Analysis of Media Research Students Experiencing Disengagement from Studies in Karachi. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 7 (2). pp. 606-617. ISSN 2500106X

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MPhil and Ph.D. students of media research (media studies/mass communication students) are expected to be a highly skilled selective group of students in addition to being avid researchers. Therefore, pursuing the MPhil and Ph.D. in media studies/mass communication is more challenging than other humanities and social sciences disciplines. The existing literature addresses the issues faced by the students during their research journey. The literature also endorses this research journey as rewarding for some students. However, others may find it more complex and challenging. This qualitative study explores the MPhil and Ph.D. media research students’ experiences of disengagement from their studies. The semi-structured interviews have been conducted with 20 MPhil and Ph.D. media research students who have prolonged or discontinued their MPhil and Ph.D. studies. The research study explores the different categories, reasons, and inability to overcome the disengagement experience from studies among MPhil and Ph.D. or higher education media research students. Work pressure, financial reasons, health issues, poor supervision, family restrictions, better alternatives, and change in priorities are found to be the few reasons for disengagement experienced by media research students in Pakistan. Moreover, students’ personal and environmental inabilities to overcome the reasons for disengagement that leads to prolongment and discontinuation of their MPhil and Ph.D. studies have also been discussed, followed by potential recommendations to overcome the disengagement experiences. The research is beneficial for the academic institutions offering MPhil and Ph.D. programs in media research to resolve the issues of disinterest and disengagement of students at the MPhil and Ph.D. levels. Keywords: Disengagement, MPhil Media Students, Ph.D. Media Students, Mass Communication

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General) > Q223-227 Communication in Science
Divisions: 07. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Komunikasi
Yaseen, SafeenaUNSPECIFIED
Mazahir, IbtesamUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Ibu Yuyun Wahyu Izzati Surya
Date Deposited: 27 May 2024 08:46
Last Modified: 27 May 2024 08:46
URI: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/133214
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