KOMERSIALISASI TANAMAN JERUK Bentuk Baru Resistensi Masyarakat Tani Terbadap Kebijakan Pembangunan Pertaman (Studi Kasus di Desa Gunungsari - Kabupaten Jember)

HARY YUSWADI, - (1999) KOMERSIALISASI TANAMAN JERUK Bentuk Baru Resistensi Masyarakat Tani Terbadap Kebijakan Pembangunan Pertaman (Studi Kasus di Desa Gunungsari - Kabupaten Jember). Disertasi thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.

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This research starts with the phenomenon of massive planting with tangerines at some rural areas in the south-west of Jember regency. This phenomenon is of great interest because the tangerines have been largerly planted at rice fields as the substitute of rice for about fifteen years. Besides, the theoretical di differenee between rational peasant (Popkin: 1979) and moral economy of the peasant (Scott:l976) raises new problems about practical relevance of any future phenomena incl uding the one discussed here. Some problems deal with; I) the rationality of peasants' social action in developing new commercial plants that indirectly contradicts with structural policies. They include; 2) peasants' independence manifested in the productive but resistant actions; 3) the pattern of agricultural commercialism that might happen to a group of peasantry, to get the theoretical implication that can explain the phenomenon. To solve the problems, I have used the theory of phenomenology that requires sincerity. abstract, empathy. examination and interpretative ability through verstehen. Various approaches in the research are usc to get into the empirical world that is actually much richer than theoretical explanations. The res<!arch was carried out at Gunungsari, lt:mber regency for one y<!ar, that is July 1997 - July 1998. Research result show that peasants' social actions to grow commercial plants are actually not only based on rationality of achieving economical b<!nnctits but also containing symbol ical meaning of resistance of a peasant. Peasant rationality is not only related to economical maximum targets as remarked by experts, such as Popkin but also connected with social and cultural problems. Peasants' rationality will be more feasible if they are independent. Their independence supports their creativity. The combination between rationality and independence can motive them to take risk. Also, if they have courage to take risks, they can think critically to deal with unexpected conditions. Their critical thinking can enable them to become productive and resistant. The combination between peasants' rationality and their courage to risks if connected with economical maximum targets will make them acting commercially. In relation to independence and courage to take risks, the r<!search finds the typology of peasants' actions. The typolob'Y can he distinguished into four. that is: (I) commercially productive. (2) commercially static, (3) subsistence productive. and (4) subsistencc absolute In context, peasants' social actions always contain rationality, However, independence and courage to take risks become an important factor that determines the typolOb'Y of their actions. Research findings show that peasants are interested in objective reality in the form of market benefits rather than the social ones. The objective reality in market benefits inderectly relates to the other objective reality that is resistant so as to raise double processing, that is agricullural commercialism and pel/Slml,,' re.llslllllce. This condition is ditTerent from Scott's (1985) findings that describe resistance in the sense of maintaining subsistence. Because of this typical difference, such findings can be categorized into neo-resislallce of peasantry. This phenomenon shows that peasantry has various ways to strengthen themselves to get an opportunity to struggle against structural pressures. The theoretical implications in this research are: heterogeneous and open peasantry tends to be critical and responsive to anything new for their communities. Peasants' rationality and independence can support the growth of their creativity and courage to act productively and resistantly. These all can be stated in the following proposition: "If structural pressures happen, the implementation of peasants' internal reaction is formed not only in the resistant form that is open and contra-productive but also in the other productive form, that is resistancy without violence."

Item Type: Thesis (Disertasi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: MASSIVE PLANTING
Subjects: S Agriculture > SB Plant culture
S Agriculture > SB Plant culture > SB317.5-319.864 Horticulture. Horticultural crops
Divisions: 07. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Doktor Ilmu Sosial
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
UNSPECIFIEDH. Soetandyo Wignjosoebroto, -NIDN-
Depositing User: Dewi Puspita
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2024 08:01
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2024 08:01
URI: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/134112
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