Maya Rismayeni, -
Perbedaan Nilai Optical Density (Od) Antibodi Antara Ayam Layer Yang Divaksin Infectious Bronchitis (Ib) Monovalen Inaktif Dengan Infectious Bronchitis Polivalen Inaktif (Ib-Nd-Ibd) Menggunakan Indirect Elisa.
Infectious bronchitis is a contangius and ute respiratory disease in chickens caused by Coronavirus. The aim of this study was detennine antibody Optical Density (OD) values difference of layer c icken vaccinated with IB monovalent inactive vaccine and IB polyvalent ina ive vaccine (IB-ND-IBO). The samples was classified into three group from 24 chicks overall. Group I (PI), eight chickens was vaccinated with IB monovalent' active (LV4UA). Group 2 (P2), eight chickens was vaccinated with IB polyv ent inactive (L V8UA) and group 3 (P3), eight chickens as a control given phys logical NaCl/chick. Blood sampling for antibody titer through OD values observations perfonned four times in all age groups for two week, four week, six week d eight week. Measurement of Optical Density values was used indirect ELISA. ala analysis used one way ANOV A. The result of this research showed that there is no difference antibody Optical Density values of vaccinated layer chickens •th IB monovalent inactive and IB polyvalent inactive (IB-ND-IBO).
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