Sanapiah S Faisal
Budaya Kerja Masyarakat Petani Kajian Strukturasionistik Berdasarkan Kasus Petani Sumbawa.
This research is motivated by both theoretical and empirical debate on work and economic behavior among peasants. There are some problems raised from the debate that is necessary to be studied. The first is the concept of work per se that based on emic perspective. The second are typical patterns of work culture manifested and taken place among them, specifically the work in terms of economic maximising, which occurred in recent episode and before. The third are the sources of heterogeneity and the dynamics of work culture among peasants to acquire theoretical understanding, which can sufficiently explain the phenomena. To answer the pre-eminent question, Giddens's structuration theory is applied as theoretical orientation. Giddens's double hermeneutic and qualitative research apprcach proposed by Glaser and Strauss has been adopted. The field research has been conducted in Poto Village, Sumbawa, an island located in Nusa Tenggara Barat for a year, since November 1994 until November 1995. Based on research findings, Sumbawa's peasants define work broader than economic maximising, including every forms of participation in community's affair. Related to their philosophical ways of life, a number of religious activities that intended to serve God are also called work activities. In terms of economic work, the research has developed a typology on peasant's work culture. Based on categorical- crossing process on the use of resources and outcomes, there are five type of peasant's work culture, namely: ascetic-productive, consumptive-productive, ascetic- subsistence, Consumptive-subsistence, and traditional-subsistence. Both heterogeneity and dynamics of peasants' work culture that become common preference from one episode to another are not entirely caused by economic considerations as hypothesised by some writers, including Chayanov's grand work on The Theory of Peasant Economy. On the main stream, the tendency seems true that economic status and socialisation in their family has played an important role in shaping peasants' work culture. As found in this research, the tendency is not only formed by economical considerations. For the most important one is cultural and ideological considerations. Considering the research findings, it seems reasonable to state that Chayanov's theory concerning peasants' work behavior is not adequate. Because in Chayanov's theory discard cultural bias of work behavior.
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