Dionisia R. W. Djawa, -
Analisis Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Di Wilayah Puskesmas Kota Bajawa Kabupaten Ngada Propinsi NTT.
Breastmilk is one of best food for infants because it has many importantsubstances that are good to enhance immunity. Breastfeeding is influenced byseveral factors, i.e., the predisposing factors, supporting factors and enhacingfactors. This study aim was examined the relationship between knowledge,breastfeeding myths, attitudes of nursing mothers, and husband support withexclusive breastfeeding.This study was a corelational research using Cross Sectional design.Research location was in the Community Health Center of Bajawa city. Theindependen variabels were knowledge, breasfeeding myths, attitudes, and husbandsupport, while the dependent variabel was exclusive breasfeeding. Sample were45 breastfeeding mothers with >6 month old infants. The sampling techniqueused was nonprobability purposive sampling. Data were collected throughquestionaire and then analyzed statistically with Sperman Rho Corelation test withlevel of significance p <0,05.The result of this study were, p = 0,000, r = 0,830 for knowledg; p = 0,551for the myth; p = 0,000, r = 0,630 for attitudes; and p = 0,054 for the husbandsupport with exclusive breastfeeding.Based on data analysis, It can be concluded that there were a corerelationbetween knowledge and attitude with exclusive breastfeeding. There were nocorelation between belive of myth and husband support with exclusivebreasfeeding at Community Health Center Of Bajawa. There should be a crosssectoral cooperation, of intensive health education breatfeeding mother's andfamilies to improv the health of the mothers and children.
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