Perbedaan Sikap Tentang Risiko Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Sebelum dan Sesudah diberikan Modul Pelatihan Risiko Reproduksi Remaja Pada Anak Jalanan di Lembaga Pemberdayaan Anak Griya Baca Kota Malang

Nurul Aini, - (2010) Perbedaan Sikap Tentang Risiko Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Sebelum dan Sesudah diberikan Modul Pelatihan Risiko Reproduksi Remaja Pada Anak Jalanan di Lembaga Pemberdayaan Anak Griya Baca Kota Malang. Thesis thesis, Universitas Airlangga.

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Every year around the world there are estimated four million teenagers have abortions, and almost 100 million infected Sexual Communicable Diseases could be cured. Teens often lack basic information about reproductive health, sexual negotiating skills, and access to affordable reproductive health services, and guarantee confidentiality. One part of these teenagers are a group of teenagers residing in the community of street children. Hard life on the streets with a less favomble situations, street children to survive, forcing them to become adults before their time. Almost all of them adopted a form of adult behavior as. That is having pre-marital sexual relations, sexually transmitted diseases, drug use, and sexual violence. Easily acquire knowledge of sex shall affect the attitude towards street children in their sexual behavior (NurhaIjadmo 1999). In the city of Malang, reproductive health issues is the most prominent issue at the moment. Results of medical examinations in early 2010 conducted on 150 street children in the city of Malang showed 100"10 undetected SID infection, and 12 them were HIV positive indication. There needs to be handling and care of all the parties to help alleviate this situation. This study aimed to identify the differences in attitudes about adolescent reproductive health risks before and after the given Module Training on Adolescent Reproductive Risks on street children, Institute for Child Empowerment of Griya Baca Malang. This study used a pre-experimental study, one group pretest and posttest design. The samples taken were street children who are included in the Institute for Child Empowerment of Griya Baca Malang, aged 11-21 years using the total population. Results of the analysis by using the Wilcoxon matched pairs test results is Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) or p-value <a yaiut (0000 <0:05), so the hypothesis was accepted for there were differences between attitudes about adolescent reproductive health risks before and after the given Training Modules Adolescent Reproductive risk in children's Empowerment Institute of Street Children in Malang. This research might be the foundation in determining the targets of evaluation of health education on adolescent reproductive health by involving street children as a priority, especially in community nursing programs.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Street Children; The Risk of Reproductive Health
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HQ The family. Marriage. Woman > HQ1-2044 The Family. Marriage. Women > HQ503-1064 The family. Marriage. Home > HQ793-799.2 Youth. Adolescents. Teenagers
Divisions: 13. Fakultas Keperawatan > S2 Keperawatan
Nurul Aini, -NIM090810430 M
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
Thesis advisorSubur Prajitno, -NIDN0009105604
Thesis advisorLilik Djuari, -NIDN0030036508
Depositing User: sugiati
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:08
Last Modified: 22 Jan 2025 07:08
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