Gerakan Sosial Masyarakat Miskin Perkotaan : Studi Kasus Gerakan Masyarakat Stren Kali Surabaya Menolak Kebijakan Penggusuran (Yang Dilakukan Pemerintah)

Soenyono, - (2007) Gerakan Sosial Masyarakat Miskin Perkotaan : Studi Kasus Gerakan Masyarakat Stren Kali Surabaya Menolak Kebijakan Penggusuran (Yang Dilakukan Pemerintah). Doctoral thesis, -.

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This research aims to find out the reason why the social movement of river-side people of Surabaya is successful in delaying the evacuation by the government. Research methodology employed in this research is qualitative method developed by Miles and Hubermann. The data are gathered through the use of observation, in-depth interview, and documentation methods. The data are then understood through the process of first order understanding and the followed by second order understanding. Based on the result of the research it can be concluded that the success of the movement of the river-side society of Sura bay a is due to :first, historical background ofsocial grievances and discontents of the river-side society of Surabaya, which are caused by: 'green revolution' program, concentration of investment in the cities and "excessive urbanization," and the threats of evacuation. Second, political opprotunities, which includes the social movements of riverside people of Surabaya, that is, the opening of the reformation era and freedom. And the constraints that trigger the movement are closed political systems, the low degree of alliance between political elites and the people, strong repression from city regime on the river-side society of Surabaya, the existence of various policies that threaten the resources of the people, the failure of the local government in implementing the policies, and the tendency of the local ~overnment to attend only to global society demands and the those of the mvestors. Third, the existence of the structures that become the vehicles for people in carrying out their social movements, among others, the association of riverside society, the NGO's, neighborhood associations (RT/RW), religious group, social gatherings, and the Family Welfare Revitalization Program. In order to widen their network, River-side Society of Surabaya, mediated by the NGO's JERIT and UPC build up cooperation with other NGO's, both on territorial bases and on issue bases. Fourth, the existence of movement framing, by creating slogan and logo, composing song of the movement, building up studios, holding clean river festivals, cooperating with media, carrying out various demontrations carryin~ the ideology of development without evacuation, the implementation of which IS in the form of opening the roads for inspection, making the concept for the design of river-side area, and so on. . Based on the above conclusions, two research propositions can be drawn. First: :"Small scale protest movements have the chance to achieve their aims when (1) they have clear aims, (2) they are carried out continually, and (3) they are carried out as social movement, with wide network, not only on territorial but also issue bases." Second: "The social movement of the river-side society of Surabaya is successful because the agents of the movement develop the movement of orderly and clean environment, and carry the ideology of development without evacuation, so that the local government has no justification any longer to evacuate the people."

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Additional Information: KKB KK Dis S. 04 08 Soe g
Uncontrolled Keywords: Social Movement, Social Discontens, Political Opportunity, Mobilizing Structure, Cultural Framing Process, Role of a Leader.
Divisions: 09. Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Ilmu ilmu Sosial
Soenyono, -099913707/D
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
Thesis advisorRamlan Subarbakti, -130701133
Thesis advisorNasikun, -130307046
Depositing User: Mrs Amalia Tri
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2025 07:16
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