Pengaruh Penyuluhan Terhadap Tlndakan Usaha Pencegahan Kegagalan Keteraturan Minum Obat Penderita TBC Di Poli Paru RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Moch Dadang Suharno, - (2005) Pengaruh Penyuluhan Terhadap Tlndakan Usaha Pencegahan Kegagalan Keteraturan Minum Obat Penderita TBC Di Poli Paru RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Skripsi thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.

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TBC is communicable desease that require effective therapy at least for six months. TBC therapy often fail that may cause MDR (Multi Drug Ressistance). Many factor that affect failure of TBC therapy, one of them is lack of knowledge and motivation about regularlity of taking medicine. The problem can be overcome by giving TBC's Patients health counseling or information about TBC and right taking medicine. This study was aimed to analyze counselling effect to preventing TBC therapy failure. Design used in this study was pre experiment one group pre-post test design. The population was TBC patients in Lung Policlinic Dr. Sutomo Hospital Surabaya. Total sample was 20 respondents, taken according to inclusion criteria. The independent variable was counseling. The dependent variable was TBC therapy failure prevention. Data were collected using! structured questionnaire. Data were then analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed RanksTest with level significance 0.05. Result showed that counseling had significant effect to respondents knowledge (p= 0.000) and motivation to follow TBC therapy (p= 0.001). It can be concluded that counseling had significant effect to respondents knowledge and motivation to follow TBC therapy. Further studies should involve large respondents and better measurement tools to obtain more accurate result.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: counseling, TBC therapy
Subjects: R Medicine > RC Internal medicine > RC306-320.5 Tuberculosis
Divisions: 13. Fakultas Keperawatan > S1 Keperawatan
Moch Dadang Suharno, -010110266 B
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
ContributorI Ketut Sudiana, -NIDN 0005075507
ContributorSumiatun, --
Depositing User: sukartini sukartini
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2025 04:16
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2025 04:16
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