Zulfian Kurniadi Muftikhar, -
Upaya Keluarga Dalam Mencari Pengobatan Untuk Anggota Keluarga Yang Mengalami Gangguan Jiwa di Desa Tunggunjagir Kecamatan Mantup, Lamongan: Studi Fenomenologi.
Skripsi thesis, Universitas Airlangga.
Effort to seek treatment for family members who have mental disorders are
essential. Proper treatment effort will improve the of family members who are
mentally deranged. The purpose of his study was to determine the family's for a
family's perception of family members who experince mental illness, family
problems in caring for a family member and the family efforts for treatment.
This research used qualitative method descriptive phenomenologycal
approach. The population of this study is a family that had a family member with
mental disorder. Samples of the participating families were 4 participants. Method of data collection was indepth interview.
The result were described 5 themes of mental disorder, including causes,
sign and symptoms of mental disorders. The second theme is claim that included
cost, time, security, the future and habits. The third theme was the stigma, the
fourth theme was the modification of methods, including stages and the nature and
impact of the treatment. The fifth theme is a coping mechanism.
Based on themes found in the research, it can be concluded that family has
perception on the causes mental disorder. The cause of the disorder is related to
spititual aspect spirits and witchcraft, so families seek solution to a non-medical treatment first, then to medical treatment. Coping mechanism used was emotion focused coping, in wich they accepted, whith resignation and patience, the family member who have mental disorders. It is therefore important for future research to further explore the coping mechanism of families who are taking care of the family members with mental illness
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