Kekuasaan Soeharto dan Simbol-Simbolnya (Telaah Kekuasaan Soeharto dan Simbol-Simbolnya dalam Teks Kumpulan Cerpen "Soeharto dalam Cerpen Indonesia")

Andik Yuliyanto (2004) Kekuasaan Soeharto dan Simbol-Simbolnya (Telaah Kekuasaan Soeharto dan Simbol-Simbolnya dalam Teks Kumpulan Cerpen "Soeharto dalam Cerpen Indonesia"). Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.


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This study interprets the symbols of Suharto's rule contained in texts collection of short stories (short stories) "Suharto in Indonesia Short Story". Book collection is edited by M. Shoim Anwar. Researchers analyzed 17 short stories contained in the book collection. Researchers used a qualitative approach to reveal the meaning of the symbols and stories. Researchers looked at the socio-political context to support the analysis. Researchers used the theories of symbols of power and ideology, structuralism, semiotics, hermeneutics, language and literature. Researchers mengklassifikasikan short stories in two periods: a short story written during President Suharto's rule and a short story written after President Soeharto stepped down from his post. The study looked for symbols that are in short stories that represent authoritarian Suharto government. Authoritarian Soeharto government and power structures are built represented pare short-story writer with symbols, which are words or phrases that mock, deride, mengolokolok, and quips, such as "boar", "Ki Ordain", "King", "Uncle Scrooge", "King Ketoprak", "Satan", "Ravana", "Arya Penangsang". In addition, there are symbols that describe the goodness of Suharto, the puppet character named Semar. Semar is a symbol of wisdom. In general, the symbols that represent the Suharto written satire. However, ceritacerita written during Suharto more connotative, more requires deep contemplation, and more multi Malma.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Additional Information: KKB KK-2 TS 05/05 Yul k
Uncontrolled Keywords: penafsiran, makna, simbol, pesan, kekuasaan dan ideologi, penokohan, orde baru, otoriter, interpretation, meaning, symbol, message, power and ideology, character, new order, authoritarian
Subjects: A General Works > AZ History of Scholarship The Humanities > AZ200-361 History
D History General and Old World > DS Asia > DS1-937 History of Asia
J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
Divisions: 09. Sekolah Pasca Sarjana
Andik YuliyantoUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Tn Joko Iskandar
Date Deposited: 2016
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2017 18:31
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