S. Yulintiningtyas, 090114469M
MEDIA MASSA DAN DEMONSTRASI MAHASISWA (Pengaruh Terpaan Media Massa, Kelompok Pergaulan Dan Fasilitas Terhadap Tingkat Partisipasi Politik Mahasiswa Dalam Memprotes Kenaikan BBM, Tarif Dasar Listrik Dan Tarif Dasar Teiepon Pada Awal Januari Hingga Juni 20.
ABSTRACT The Influence of Mass Media Exposure, Peer Croup, and Facility To Level of Politic Participation S. Yuliatiningtyas, S.Sos Had been doing research about influence of mass media exposure, peer group and facility to level of politic participation (students demonstration). This research want to answer the problems about : (1) Do mass media exposure influence level of politic participation for students ?, (2) Do peer group influence level of politic participation for students?, and (3) Do facility influence level of politic participation fo students ?. And then, so to getting description about the big-small deferences from influence mass media exposure, peer group and facility to level of politic participation for students. The last, it want to answer the question about it is true peer group and facility as intervening variable between mass media exposure and level of politic participation for students. For answer that problems, had been done researching to 100 colledge students (respondent) in Airlangga University. This research was used kuantitatiif methodelogy and collected data with quisioner, and the data researching had been analized and tested with Logistic Multiple Regression's statistic. Based on the researching result and statistic tested, getting the answering that was not significantly mass media exposure to level of politic participation for student, and neither facility. Except, peer group variable influence to level of politic participation for students. The conclusion, peer group is not intervening variable between mass media exposure and level of politic participation for students in Airlangga University Surabaya. Key Words: Mass media exposure, peer group, facility and level of politic participation for students.
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